Media and Resources
Published in Lion’s Roar: “Us Too”
In this Lion’s Roar article from October 2019, Buddhist teacher Trudy Goodman looks at the history and harm of sexual misconduct by Buddhist teachers, and what we can do to stop it.
Published in Lion’s Roar: “Get to the Root of Your Patterns”
Our basic problem, says Trudy Goodman, is ignoring the reality of impermanence. Being mindful in the moment, appreciating this flowing, interconnected life, we miraculously free ourselves from habitual patterns.
Published in Lion’s Roar: “When to Say Goodbye”
Leaving a relationship may seem like an escape or failure, but in this article from October 2021, Trudy Goodman says parting ways can be the best choice for everyone.
Published in Lion’s Roar: “Find Freedom from Anxiety”
Psychotherapist and dharma teacher Trudy Goodman unpacks the root causes of anxiety in this article published in November 2024.
Published in Lion’s Roar: “Our Precious Human Life & Death”
In an article published in Lion’s Roar in January 2025, Trudy discusses insights she took away from a near-death experience.
Go Inside Global Interviews Trudy
Korean TV show Go Inside Global hosted Trudy Goodman for an interview in late 2024.
Trudy with Tyler Lapkin on The Podcast with a Thousand Faces
From show notes: “In the conversation today we discuss her life, meditation, mindfulness, and her perspective on the famous Campbell quote, ‘Participate Joyfully in the sorrows of the world.’”
Trudy and Jack Awarded Honors at Doshi Bridgebuilder Event
February 2024: {In her acceptance speech, Trudy} “reminded everyone of the precious gift of human life, telling stories of survival and emphasizing the need to cultivate gratitude, appreciation, and remembrance.”
Trudy on the Finding Mastery Podcast with Dr. Michael Gervais
Trudy and Michael Gervais have a conversation on the Finding Mastery podcast, recorded in March 2021.
Talk for Sangha Live - The Relationship Between Mindful Presence and Compassion
From Trudy’s dharma talk and meditation on the topic of mindful presence as the necessary ground of compassion and care. Recorded for Sangha Live on April 21, 2024.
Trudy interviews Maria Shriver for the Living a Joyful Life Summit
Maria Shriver Sits Down with Trudy Goodman to discuss the secrets of living a joyful life.
Trudy on Buddhist Geeks with Vince Horn
Vince Fakhoury Horn is joined by dharma teacher Trudy Goodman, founder of InsightLA, to share reflections on her beloved teacher, Seungsahn. Seungsahn Haengwon (Sungsan Haeng'weon Daeseonsa, August 1, 1927 – November 30, 2004), born Duk-In Lee, was a Korean Seon master of the Jogye Order and founder of the international Kwan Um School of Zen.
Trudy on the Spiritually Sassy Podcast with Sah D'Simone
Wanna learn to transform your miserable Karma into wonderful Dharma? Sah is joined by Trudy Goodman, one of the senior Buddhist teachers in the U.S. and founder of InsightLA, to discuss an advanced view of Karma, modern takes on Dharma, and how to transform our views of the past with the nectar of forgiveness.
Trudy & Jack on the Duncan Trussell Family Hour Podcast
Trudy Goodman & Jack Kornfield, two of Duncan's favorite teachers on earth, re-join the DTFH! Jack Kornfield is one of the top spiritual teachers on earth, and his books are life-changing. Trudy Goodman was one of the most sought-after therapists at Cambridge and is one of the leading spiritual teachers in the world today.
Lovingkindness and forgiveness
Sunday Sitting Group recorded on 9/24/23 with a special meditation followed by a discussion.
A dignified response to life’s challenges
Sunday Sitting Group recorded on 8/27/23 with a special meditation followed by a discussion.
Trudy shares about using your intuition
Sunday Sitting Group recorded on 7/30/23 with a special meditation followed by a discussion.
Guest teacher Joslyn Hitter shares reflections on the dharma.
Sunday Sitting Group recorded on 7/2/23 with a special meditation followed by a discussion.
Embodied Wisdom: We have all we need to awaken
Sunday Sitting Group recorded on 3/5/23 with a special meditation followed by a discussion.