Media and Resources
Go Inside Global Interviews Trudy
Korean TV show Go Inside Global hosted Trudy Goodman for an interview in late 2024.
Talk for Sangha Live - The Relationship Between Mindful Presence and Compassion
From Trudy’s dharma talk and meditation on the topic of mindful presence as the necessary ground of compassion and care. Recorded for Sangha Live on April 21, 2024.
Trudy interviews Maria Shriver for the Living a Joyful Life Summit
Maria Shriver Sits Down with Trudy Goodman to discuss the secrets of living a joyful life.
Lovingkindness and forgiveness
Sunday Sitting Group recorded on 9/24/23 with a special meditation followed by a discussion.
A dignified response to life’s challenges
Sunday Sitting Group recorded on 8/27/23 with a special meditation followed by a discussion.
Trudy shares about using your intuition
Sunday Sitting Group recorded on 7/30/23 with a special meditation followed by a discussion.
Guest teacher Joslyn Hitter shares reflections on the dharma.
Sunday Sitting Group recorded on 7/2/23 with a special meditation followed by a discussion.
Embodied Wisdom: We have all we need to awaken
Sunday Sitting Group recorded on 3/5/23 with a special meditation followed by a discussion.
Wisdom of Cause and Effect: Planting Wise Seeds
Sunday Sitting Group recorded on 4/24/22 with a special meditation followed by a discussion.
The Buddha’s Basic Training in Practical Wisdom
Sunday Sitting Group recorded on 4/24/22 with a special meditation followed by a discussion.
The Eleven Benefits of Loving Kindness
Sunday Sitting Group recorded on 4/24/22 with a special meditation followed by a discussion.
Sunday Sit - June 26th
Sunday Sitting Group recorded on 4/24/22 with a special meditation followed by a discussion.
Ways to be with the Suffering of the World - with Jack Kornfield
Sunday Sitting Group recorded on 4/24/22 with a special meditation followed by a discussion.
Honoring AAPI Dharma Contributions & Victims of Shootings and War
Sunday Sitting Group recorded on 4/24/22 with a special meditation followed by a discussion.
3 Ways to Hold the Suffering of the World
Sunday Sitting Group recorded on 4/24/22 with a special meditation followed by a discussion.
How Mindfulness Nurtures a More Peaceful World
Sunday Sitting Group recorded on 4/24/22 with a special meditation followed by a discussion.
Where Mindfulness and Devotion Meet
Sunday Sitting Group recorded on 4/24/22 with a special meditation followed by a discussion.
Finding Refuge with Trudy Goodman
Sunday Sitting Group recorded on 4/24/22 with a special meditation followed by a discussion.
A Place of Steadiness with Trudy Goodman
Sunday Sitting Group recorded on 3/13/22 with a special meditation followed by a discussion on our interconnectedness and finding our place of steadiness.