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"Compassion, Presence, and Nonduality”Two-Day Meditation Retreat with Norman Fischer, Trudy Goodman, and Anam Thubten

Compassion, Presence and Nonduality: a two-day meditation retreat with Trudy Goodman, Norman Fischer and Anam Thubten.

These topics have great relevance to our daily life and the relationship between ourself and our world. In this retreat, these three teachers will invite everyone to understand and embody these timeless spiritual principles, which can bring freedom to our hearts. Practicing compassion, presence and nonduality can help us become a positive influence in the world and live the path of a bodhisattva. The retreat will have periods of meditation as well as Dharma talks by each teacher.

Join this in-person only retreat at Dhumata Temple in Point Richmond, CA on March 9 and 10, 2024. The retreat is held from 10:00 am - 5:00 pm PT each day.

Register and find more information here.

March 3

Sunday Sitting Group with Trudy - every Sunday at 10am!

March 10

Sunday Sitting Group with Trudy - every Sunday at 10am!